





interesting sites

This area of the site features interesting sites which are worth a visit.





Want to know which seat to book on a flight when you check-in? They are all here.


Flightradar24.com shows live aircraft traffic in the airspace above Europe. Aircrafts equipped with an ADS-B transponder are visible on the map.


Flightstats.com allows you to track flight status, airport delays and other airport information for anywhere in the world.


This site lists many well known companies, and their equivalent geographical numbers. Basically alternatives listed for 0800, 0808, 0844, 0845, 0870 and 0871 numbers.


Why is this useful: If you have an 'inclusive landline calls' phone package, then it is very rare that 0844, 0845, 0870, or 0871 numbers are included in your 'free minutes' allocation, unlike normal geographic numbers. Many companies advertise their contact  numbers as one of these 'non-geographic' numbers. Also you have no idea how much each call to many non geographic numbers cost.


A non-partisan website which aims to make it easy for people to keep tabs on their elected and unelected representatives in Parliament, and other assemblies. Type in your postcode and, for example, get a complete list of our local MP's voting records and most recent appearances in the House of Parliament.


page update 2nd Dec 2020


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